Pathology Lab

The Pathology department offers round the clock diagnostic services to both BJWHC & NWMH. Our Pathology lab offers a full range of tests and services, using state of the art technology for the most accurate results. All attempts are made to provide reports within 2 hours of receiving the samples.

The Pathology Lab is equipped to conduct a variety of tests for the speciality departments at both the hospitals. Some of the tests conducted at the lab include :


- Bone marrow and peripheral smear examination
- Routine haematological investigations such as processing routine haematological investigations such as haemoglobin, total and differential leucocyte counts, platelets count, red cell indices

Bio chemistry

- Assays for hormones and immunosuppressants
- Therapeutic drug monitoring
- Heavy and toxic metals in biological fluid and tissues,
- Trace elements, esoteric lipids and intermediates in cholesterol biosynthesis,
- Clinical toxicology


- Blood culture
- Chlamydia antibodies - serum
- Enterovirus antibodies - serum
- Fungal microscopy and culture - skin, hair, nails
- Genital swab
- Syphilis testing


- Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) and screening tests for cancer
- Immunohistochemistry for all routine diagnostic and predictive markers


- Smooth Muscle Antibodies
- Mitochondrial Antibodies
- Gastric Parietal Cell Antibodies
- Cryoglobulin Test